My husband started cycling his 30g tank last sunday. He has some plants in there, and 6 danios. He's been treating the water with Stability, as directed.
I've been testing his water everyday, and his ammonia always seem to read at .25 since the beginning. I find it kind of hard to read that test, so I assumed I was reading it wrong. Last night, we noticed that his was smelling really bad. Today, I did another reading, and other than the ph being up at 8.2 from a 7.4- 7.6. The ammonia still appears to be .25, although it seems more pronounced. NI/NA are both at zero. The water is still crystal clear.
Is the ph supposed to rise like that? I've heard that an ammonia spike could cause false readings on ph, but there really doesn't seem to be much of a change. What is causing the smell, when the readings seem fairly normal?
You should know that he bought 5 danios on sunday from one lfs, but one was dying on the way home (very unexpected traffic, too much time in the bag, I presume). He bought 3 more danios from another lfs on Tuesday. Another danio from the 1st batch died yesterday (Wednesday). The others seem fine, so far.
I've been testing his water everyday, and his ammonia always seem to read at .25 since the beginning. I find it kind of hard to read that test, so I assumed I was reading it wrong. Last night, we noticed that his was smelling really bad. Today, I did another reading, and other than the ph being up at 8.2 from a 7.4- 7.6. The ammonia still appears to be .25, although it seems more pronounced. NI/NA are both at zero. The water is still crystal clear.
Is the ph supposed to rise like that? I've heard that an ammonia spike could cause false readings on ph, but there really doesn't seem to be much of a change. What is causing the smell, when the readings seem fairly normal?
You should know that he bought 5 danios on sunday from one lfs, but one was dying on the way home (very unexpected traffic, too much time in the bag, I presume). He bought 3 more danios from another lfs on Tuesday. Another danio from the 1st batch died yesterday (Wednesday). The others seem fine, so far.