What is best for Betta?


Large Fish
Oct 3, 2003
OK...as some of you know I have a 1 male and 1 female betta. My question is, do Bettas do better with air source rather than still water? I read that alot of you have yours with big tanks and air...so I imagine they do. And once I had a deep blue batta that I moved from a glass bowl to one of thoose desk top triangle shaped set ups. It had a bubble stone. That Betta seemed much more active and happy.
Also my female is white and I just don't how to see if she has eggs. She has no stripes to look at. If you stand above her she is a little fat in the middle, but not really noticable. Also I have tried to see with light behind her bowl if she had jelly like appearance anywear in her belly. I don't see anything. I just don't want her to become egg bound because of the time she spent looking at the male before I seperated the bowls.
Also my male stopped makeing bubble nests...is that bad?


Superstar Fish
Aug 13, 2003
hmm... i don't think bettas like the air bubbles to be in their water they are more of a peaceful fish and like still water.. but i might be wrong i dont know


Large Fish
Jul 23, 2003
Vancouver BC Canada
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1. betta doesn't really like strong current, but a bubble stone is nice for them
2. my female is also white, and i can't really tell if she has eggs too. i just released her to my boy when she seems like she wants to follow him to his nest. (her head lowers, and showing interest instead of running [or swimming] away LOL)
3. my boy doesn't always blow a nest either. But it's normal. not all boys are nest builders. my boy only makes nest when he sees a girl!


Large Fish
Oct 3, 2003
Thank you

Thanks. I have left them in the bowls for now. But I'm keeping my eyes open for a set up that is a bit bigger or just better. They both seem to be doing well, but I do wonder if the female has eggs and what I should do about this. I think I will post another question in breeding or something;)