What is happening to my tetras

May 8, 2011
the other day i noticed white spots on mt cardinal tetras i had not seen it on them the day before i read up on it and i assumed it was white spot i went to my lfs and bought some medication for it i have put it in according to the directions 3 days in a row then wait 2 day then put more in unfortunately i came home yesterday to find one on the bottom missing a eye i scooped him out and thought he was just to ill to survive i put more medication in this morning because i am on day 3 of the medication but to day i came home and 2 of them where missing and i dont mean found dead i mean missing i just cant find them i have checked the filter and every thing but i simply can not find them so what whould have happened to them i can not see any of my other fish's stomachs big enough to suggest they have been eaten and i no if they decay in the tank i could loose every thing please help !!!!!!!!!!!


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
Try looking under the gravel (if you have any), one of my Neons mysteriously ended up there after dying. Also, try a medication like ParaGuard that treats bacterial and fungal infections and internal and external parasites.