What is happening?!?!

I just got back from vacation and I see that 5 of my fish in my 60 gallon were dead. I looked around to try and figure out why and it does look like my dad was overfeeding them. The problem is that I've been home two days and another fish has died each day. This is after a 50% water change that I figured would fix the problem. My nitrates are a little higher (5ppm) than normal but everything else is perfect. What the hell is going on?

The lost fish include 2 neons, 3 marble hatchets, 1 SAE, 1 harlequin rasbora, 1 silvertiped tetra. I have no preditory fish in the tank. It is a heavily planted community environment.

Please help.

Jan 11, 2003
New Jersey, USA
dont only do a water change. vaccum the gravel also. take the fish out and put them in something else that can be haooy for about a few hours do a VERY VERY good clean of the tank. if u have plants and decor take it all out and clean all the gravel. then let it stand fro about 1 hour then put the fish back in. see what happens

That isn't really possible. I have too many fish and way too many plants that I have spent weeks trying to get in just the right place. I think it would just stress them even more. What I think I will do is a couple more 50% changes in the next few days. Thanks for the help but its too drastic for me, besides, I want to know what is causing this.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Well what is your nitrite level like? if he was overfeeding and the cause is decaying food I think the nitrite level would be way high? Did you take out the filter media and rinse it? Did you ask your dad and make sure he didn't add anything to the tank that he shouldn't have? (salt...clean the glass...air freshner in the room)

Sorry to hear :(

My nitrate level is fine now after a few 50% water changes but I lost another fish late last night although I did catch him before he died. He was swimming at an angle, breathing quickly, and had white cottonlike sores on his body. This leads me to believe its fish TB and its been spreading since the dead fish are being cannibalized before I know they're dead. I've found some of the sick/recently dead ones since I've been home but when I was gone, the yoyos always had a meal. Anyway, I don't see anymore infected fish but I'll be watching.

I'm sure my dad did nothing but feed them; he has no idea how to run a tank, thus the overfeeding.

Any more ideas on how to help prevent any more infections?