What is it?

Aug 5, 2006
I am new to the forum and my main motivation for joining is to find out what type of cichlid I have. I work at a zoo and we were raising peacock cichlids for a large exhibit. When they came to us they would only eat live fish, so for a while we were feeding out common guppies. One shipment came with a small cichlid in it. At the time it was only about 1/2" and had it not been for the keen eye of my co-worker it probably would have been fish food. I rescued it and put in my 20 gal with mixed tetras. Soon it began to grow and I had a fondness for it so I got rid of the tetras and kept the cichlid. I've had him (seems to be a male) for almost 3 years now. he is currently housed in a 29 ga., soon to be in a 55. Now he is about 8". If I had to guess I would say he was some sort of acara hybrid, but I really have no clue. All the research I've done has lead me to believe that he is NOT a blue acara b/c the pictures don't look like him. Nor does a green terror. However, he almost looks like a hybrid between the two. I wish I could post a picture but I guess it's not possible to do so on here. So if anyone would be willing to try and identify this fish I could send a picture thru email and I would be very appreciative of any help. I would like to get him female as he is constantly building nest and I think he would enjoy some company. Thank you, Mandie. Email: ab_cooke@yahoo.com


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
NICE FIND!!! Yes I have the Eartheaters. :p Sry just saw the post. You do have a Geophagus brasiliensis!!! You are going to want to keep him with other SA cichlids that can either stand up or submit to his aggression. Good Luck!!!! :D


Large Fish
Aug 1, 2005
Cichlid-Man said:
I have 2 final answers.

-Gymnogeophagus rhabdotus
-Acarichthys heckelii

I don't think its Geophagus
Is that your final answer? You know you still have two life lines; phone a friend, and ask the audience. :D

Thats a beautiful fish and a good find!