what is it?

Tom B.

New Fish
Dec 4, 2010
ok i have no idea how to even work this forum stuff but am desperate.
i have an unidentified foreign crature in my Salt water tank and am looking for help to identify it.
here is what i know.
came out of my live rock i assume
is some sort of worm
dark gray with white striations or segments.
diameter of pencil lead.
at least 3 inches long
has a prehensile tip that grabs and eats
light sensitive
very elastic and can snap back like a rubber band.
very tough to get a photo of but i have a couple just dont know how to upload them on this site.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
if you see a peanut worm, its very likely that youre only seeing its proboscis and the animal itself is inside the rock. the proboscis is not "striated" nor segmented so i dont think this is a peanut worm. but a pic would help. sounds like its certainly and annelid and most likely a polychaete.(bristleworm) you can put pics on here with the attachment manager function when you "go Advanced" post isntead of quick reply.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
segmented sounds like a bristleworm, small ones are beneficial but they can get very big, cut down on feeding if they are a problem......no food no abundance of bristleworms. they are good scavengers though.