What is wrong with my fish.....


Small Fish
Sep 28, 2008
Henderson, Kentucky
One of my gamboras is bloated and seems faded....my wife seems to think he has almost grown hair or so it seems.

None of the other fish seems to exhibit any signs.

I have also recently lost a barb and blue gourami-the gourami was kind of a surprise as he seemed to be doing very well. I had noticed the barb seemed ill with his eyes bugged out.

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Large Fish
Nov 16, 2008
Have you tested your water parameters? Do his scales look as if they are popping out or raising up as well? He may have dropsy. Can you quarantine him in another tank? He should be treated with antibiotics and salt. Unfortunately the prognosis isn't good if he has dropsy. He may recover, but when the symptoms have reached this stage it is usually fatal. I would get the opinion of some of the other people here, but without seeing a picture of him it sounds like dropsy to me. Good luck