Okay so I've had some trouble with my tank recently on and off. So I have a 38 gallon thats been up and running for about 3 years. I used to have it with no undergravel filter and a fluval filtration system. Well when I cleaned out the tank a while back I noticed there seemed to be a lot of scum underneath the gravel as I would mix it up with the gravel vacuum and I figured I'd maybe try an undergravel filter system to see if that could help. Before I added the undergravel filter all of my levels of the tank were safe and good, I was just adding in the undergravel filter because it seemed like my gravel would get dirty so easily and I would have to clean it more often with the gravel vac.
So after I added the undergravel filter, everything in my tank seemed to do fine for about 6 months (it was working on keeping the gravel cleaner), but then something went horribly wrong in my tank and all of my fish started dying. I had 6 cherry barbs, 3 females, 3 males, and they all died, and I had a pleco that died and some of my other tetras (neons, glolights, black neons, etc.) that died. So I was left with 3 scissortail rasboras, 2 glolights, 1 bloodfin, and 1 black neon. That was it. So I did some tests, but everything seemed to be fine!
-ammonia: 0 ppm
-nitrate: 0 ppm
-nitrite 0 ppm
-hardness: hard
-alkalinity: 80 ppm (moderate)
-pH: 7
So I had no idea what happened! I always do a weekly 25% water change and always add a tap water neutralizer to make sure that the new tap water I put into the tank has all of its chlorine neutralized. But before most of my fish died they were starting to act funny, and I started doing a 50% weekly water change, but they all still died. So after they all died, I did a 100% water change, cleaned everything good and put my fish back in.
So after this complete water change, the rest of my fish seemed to be doing fine for about another 6 months. So I recently wanted to add some more fish, and since I have always wanted to add tiger barbs, I decided to add 6 tiger barbs and I also added 1 pleco. (I know its a common pleco and it would eventually grow out of my 38 gallon, but once it gets larger I will give it to my cousin who has a 70 gallon...I got this pleco before I researched more and found out about the bristlenose pleco which I will get next to combat algae).
So I added these new fish, and everything seemed to be going great. I did a large 50% water change just last week (note I still have my undergravel filter) and this week all of my fish seem to be acting funny. Like they did before my last major die out of fish. 1 of my tiger barbs is sulking in the corner, some of my tetras are all staying in corners and my pleco was floating earlier and when I went to grab him he swam back down and hid in a piece of drift wood. I checked all of my levels again and they were all safe:
-ammonia: 0 ppm
-nitrate: 0 ppm
-nitrite 0 ppm
-hardness: hard
-alkalinity: 80 ppm (moderate)
-pH: 6.8
So my question is (and sorry this is so long) ever since I've had my undergravel filter it seems that I've had problems. And I was wondering if any one else has had problems using an undergravel filter? Before I added the filter none of my fish died and I had my tank without an undergravel filter for about 1 year and 6 months, with no deaths and levels all good. But I only added my undergravel filter to keep up with how much scum was in my gravel and seemed to be getting dirty easily. But ever since I added it I've had one huge die out of fish and now my fish are acting funny again.
Please help me with any of my questions and give me any advice you can offer. I'm really sorry that this is so long but I don't know what to do.
Thank you so much for any advice!
So after I added the undergravel filter, everything in my tank seemed to do fine for about 6 months (it was working on keeping the gravel cleaner), but then something went horribly wrong in my tank and all of my fish started dying. I had 6 cherry barbs, 3 females, 3 males, and they all died, and I had a pleco that died and some of my other tetras (neons, glolights, black neons, etc.) that died. So I was left with 3 scissortail rasboras, 2 glolights, 1 bloodfin, and 1 black neon. That was it. So I did some tests, but everything seemed to be fine!
-ammonia: 0 ppm
-nitrate: 0 ppm
-nitrite 0 ppm
-hardness: hard
-alkalinity: 80 ppm (moderate)
-pH: 7
So I had no idea what happened! I always do a weekly 25% water change and always add a tap water neutralizer to make sure that the new tap water I put into the tank has all of its chlorine neutralized. But before most of my fish died they were starting to act funny, and I started doing a 50% weekly water change, but they all still died. So after they all died, I did a 100% water change, cleaned everything good and put my fish back in.
So after this complete water change, the rest of my fish seemed to be doing fine for about another 6 months. So I recently wanted to add some more fish, and since I have always wanted to add tiger barbs, I decided to add 6 tiger barbs and I also added 1 pleco. (I know its a common pleco and it would eventually grow out of my 38 gallon, but once it gets larger I will give it to my cousin who has a 70 gallon...I got this pleco before I researched more and found out about the bristlenose pleco which I will get next to combat algae).
So I added these new fish, and everything seemed to be going great. I did a large 50% water change just last week (note I still have my undergravel filter) and this week all of my fish seem to be acting funny. Like they did before my last major die out of fish. 1 of my tiger barbs is sulking in the corner, some of my tetras are all staying in corners and my pleco was floating earlier and when I went to grab him he swam back down and hid in a piece of drift wood. I checked all of my levels again and they were all safe:
-ammonia: 0 ppm
-nitrate: 0 ppm
-nitrite 0 ppm
-hardness: hard
-alkalinity: 80 ppm (moderate)
-pH: 6.8
So my question is (and sorry this is so long) ever since I've had my undergravel filter it seems that I've had problems. And I was wondering if any one else has had problems using an undergravel filter? Before I added the filter none of my fish died and I had my tank without an undergravel filter for about 1 year and 6 months, with no deaths and levels all good. But I only added my undergravel filter to keep up with how much scum was in my gravel and seemed to be getting dirty easily. But ever since I added it I've had one huge die out of fish and now my fish are acting funny again.
Please help me with any of my questions and give me any advice you can offer. I'm really sorry that this is so long but I don't know what to do.
Thank you so much for any advice!