What kind of bulbs are you using ??

I'm trying to find some nice T8's 24in and 48in
just curious what everyone is running ?
im trying to track down ge or phillips or???
but it's becoming very difficult even online shopping to find those types with 5000k or higher
I could go to pet soultions and get some of thers for a few dollars more just curious what anyone suggests from there or anywhere else for the matter, I have a planted 29g and 2 6 feet tanks for african cichlids
and also one 55g planted tank that is not put together yet



New Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Palmer, Alaska

I use GE Sunshine bulbs......they are 5000k full spectrum and $6.50 at Wal-Mart. My tanks are well planted. I've tried other expensive bulbs, but these give the most bang for the buck.........5000k is the right number for plants.....any higher and they have too much blue in them. I gave away the 9325k bulbs that came with my pc light and got 5000k bulbs from AH Supply. That tank rocks now!

even if i wanted to use th e ge sunshine bulbs I couldnt because they are only made in T12 at that size of 48
they do have T8's in the 18in size but anything larger and they use T12's and the only tank that i have for plants is a 29g and a 55g that has yet to be started but i have canopy's for all my tanks 1 29 1 55 and 2 125's
the 1 29g has some bozmanti rainbows in it and the 55g will have discus once i get it up and running and the 2 big tanks will have my africian cichlids and i need good color light in there to show off ther beautiful colors


New Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Palmer, Alaska
with my africans, I use one Coralife 50/50 bulb towards the front so the blue color is better reflected off the fish.....makes my hap ahli look SOOOOO...electric blue....the yellow labs look good also....something about that little bit of blue in the light that brings out the color. The other bulb is a Chroma 50. There are some plants in there. (giant val, anubias, and java fern)

Wel i Finally found a store that carries 6500k in the t8 48in but he wants 8$ i was like what ? your kidding me right ! his 5000k's are only 3$
is there a huge difference in color there
i did think about putting 6 36in in the canopy instead of 4 48s and staggering them not sure what would look best ?


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002

I have a 55gal and I use 4 t12's 3 6500k Ultra daylights and a Coralife 10000k in the rear. This is a new lighting setup I was using 1 10000k, 1 6500k, and 2 Show and grow's. I was not having good plant growth so I up'd the kelvin. Things are much better.