Well the 2 angels alone i would recommend for a 35gal+ tank once they get older. Plus the rainbows get to be on the larger size, compared to tetras and such. 4 Kribs in a tank with angels.......i wouldn't.
35gal isn't big enough for that many and those types of fish (mixed together)
well i have a 35 gal tank with 2 kribs i moved 2 of them, and the rest u know of, so what kind of peaceful fish would u reccommend 4 my tank, and my mom ain't gonna get me a bigger tank!
By your sig it looks as if you moved 2 kribs to a 4gal. Witha pleco. This tank will be way way to small for a pleco sooner or later. I am not sure how the kribs will fair in such a small tank.
If everything was working out i would have left the setup you had.
Just you have fish that will soon outgrow your tanks.
Either get some more tanks or get rid of some of your fish......(selling/donating them)