What kind of surface plant for Dwarf Gourami?


Large Fish
Feb 29, 2004
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Hi - I am getting ready to get some fish in my tank, and one of the fish I will be getting is some type of dwarf gourami. The plants in my tank are all fake.

I have read that gouramis like a surface plant in the tank. Is this really required, and what kind of plant (hopefully fake) worls best?

Also, if I do not have a female in the tank, will the male still build bubble nests? How often do they usually do this and are they difficult/messy to remove?


Oct 22, 2002
No you don't need surface vegatation, but I would highly suggest it. Any fake floating plant will work fine.
Males will sometimes build a bubblenest without the female around, but they usually lose interest after a day or so.
Bubblenests are very delicate and they dissolve into the water if the male doesn't constantly add to them, so you never need to remove them.

Jun 28, 2003
Scottsdale, Arizona
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Duckweed is great for Dwarf Gouramis, the only upkeep that you have to deal with it is pruning. I was pulling large chunks of Duckweed out of my tank that I traded for other things and sold as 'fresh goldfish food' at least once a week.

It also keeps down nitrates in the water but don't let it block out your light if you have other plants in the tank!