What rooms do people keep their fish tanks in?


Small Fish
Mar 1, 2009
I was wondering where most people keep their aquariums. Do they have dedicated rooms for them? In the living room? Basement? Here is my situation: I have an office in a room on the main floor of the house, and that is were I currently have my little 10 gallon tank on top of a dresser. I just got a 50 gallon and assumed I would put it there (my wife doesn't want it in the living room). But now I am wondering if I should just put it in the basement. We don't really hang out down there much, but it is a finished, furnished basement. There actually is spot down there where it would fit well, kind of at the end of the hall where you would still be able to see if from the rec room. And I will probably have to move my office downstairs anyways within the next couple years or so, so the tank would have to come out of there then if it were upstairs. Anyways, I know this isn't going to make sense to most people without actually seeing it, but what I really want to know is if people usually put their tanks in rooms that they are in all the time, or do you put them in less frequented rooms and make the effort to go there to watch you fish? Even the one in my office now is not in front of me, I still have to turn around to look at it. Do you tend to not watch your fish as often if they aren't in a room where you are all the time? And I'm sure some people have multiple tanks throughout their homes, so this is really referring to people with just one or two tanks.


Large Fish
Jan 29, 2009
i have 2 tanks in 2 diffront rooms. one in my bed room, and one in my living room. so it depends. so basicly, where do you spend the most time in your home? and put the tank in there.