What route to take with filtration ?


Medium Fish
Jul 6, 2003
Ajax, Ontario
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I’m looking to set up a tank with soft coral and fish. I’m going with a MH combo hood so if I want to go all out with hard corals later on I will have the light I need.
Now the filter,
I’m having trouble deciding on whether I should go the LR and LS way with a protein skimmer (obviously), or a sump with an in sump skimmer and or refugium.
Going all out with both the natural way and the mechanical way is another option.
This would mean getting holes drilled or using an overflow. I have no problem with that but this is my first sw tank and I really want to keep things simple.
If been reading lots and looking over forums daily and I have reached a road block because I don’t want to set up my tank the natural way then realize down the line I should have installed a sump and refugium.
What are some downsides going the natural way say a few years down the line?

My tank is a 75 gal. measuring 48" x 24" x 16"

- Jason

Jan 16, 2004
Syracuse, NY
Most people with larger tanks use live rock with a sand substrate such as aragonite with a sump (no bioballs)/and/or refugium with a skimmer built in sump, its not really mechanical filtration, its the same basic concept but with a sump. A refugium is a nursery for organisms to multiply and for specific algaes and plants to be placed in so they can help remove excess nutrients.

I would put in a sump, those things are so darn handy and are not that difficult to setup.

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Superstar Fish
Dec 1, 2003
For your tank go with an 800 gph hang on the back over flow...I would recommend a 20 gallon sump. In it I would put a high end skimmer of some sort and a bag of carbon, etc. The rest of the filtration would be live sand/rock. For water movement add a few powerheads.


Superstar Fish
Dec 1, 2003
Yeah, its always a good option, not as a primary filter but for creating a breeding ground for microorgansims. Also can work as a detrinator


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I would always advise filtration based around live rock and a good skimmer, and based where you are (Germany) you have some fine equipemnt options. It is up to you if you hang the skimmer and so on in a sump, or just hang it on the back - if you go the latter route the Deltec MCE600 is the current euro king for HOB skimmers. If you decide to go for a sump you have numerous options. If you gofor a sump then drill the tank.

Have you considered buying one of the super duper all in one kits by AquaMedic like the Percula 90 (gallon) or 120, or the Anthias? These are very good discount buys - someplete dry kit setups, including MH lighting , starting less than a 1000 euros/dollars