What shall I do?!


Large Fish
Jul 12, 2003
Evansville, Indiana
Ok, from my previous post, Okay, from all of my knowledge, I figured this arrangement would be alright, but..., I took everyone's advice and took the Betta out. I now have him in a half gallon bowl with plants and filtration coming soon. My questions are, will the Betta be alright in that small of bowl, or should I just take the betta or the gourami back? They are still within the 14 day return policy period. So what shall I do?!


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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He should be fine in the 1/2 gallon for a few days while you get another tank. I like catfish's idea, find a 3gallon eclipse, with bowed front, and built-in filter.

A 2gal hex is about a minimum I would suggest for a male, but the water changes will need to be more frequent.

Jul 2, 2003
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I'm new to this forum, but not the hobby. I have 7 bettas, and they are all kept in containers ranging from 1 gallon to a tall 3.5 gallon Mason jar.

Some people like to keep bettas in the hexes and in tanks, but I prefer unfiltered, unheated bowls or jars. I have kept bettas off and on for approximately 27 years...only taking breaks in between deaths due to old age...or 3+ years or more.

I have only had one death due to disease and that is when a betta developed a fungus after being on the kitchen floor, out of the bowl, for approximately 1.5 hours. I do 100% water changes on all my containers, once a week, washing the bowl and all the decorations.

Your betta will be fine in the half-gallon for a while, but you will need to put him in a larger bowl of at least one gallon or more pretty soon.

Jul 14, 2003
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um a betta will be fine and happy in a 1/2 gallon conatiner

especially if u are getting him filtration to cause water movement. if the plants and such arnt cramping his style he will do fine

bu remember. they do not like deep water. so a wide shallow is better then a thin tall container

mine are kept in 1/2-1.5 glalon conatiners. there msotly lazy. but all are happy :)

Mar 11, 2003
Bettas don't need water movement...infact filtration in that small of a tank could cause a lot of stress to a betta. Stress=low immune system, and that means disease or death. Yes, shallow quarters are better for a betta to live in, but its hard to find wide and shallow tanks, especially in the smaller sizes. If you can find one...great, but if you can't thats fine too. I reccomend saving your money on the filtration (weekly water changes aren't gonna kill us ;)) and investing it into a bigger tank.

I can see why people with multiple bettas buy the beanie boxes, after my barracks are built, my bettas will be in them too, but if you just have a few bettas, get a bigger bowl. A bigger bowl means that you have less water changes a week, so it will work out for you and the betta :). And its only about $1.50-$2.00 more than a 1/2 gallon tank.

We, as fish keepers, take over crowding so seriously when it comes to community tanks, or larger fish, but some how, bettas are always the forgotten ones. For some reason its always this fish (who can grow to be over 3 inches, NOT including the fins) that its "okay" to keep in a small tank.
