What should go in a seafood blend?

Jul 29, 2005
Sunny Cali & Rainy England
Today I purchased a bag of frozen seafood mix from the supermarket to blend and then re-freeze in icecube trays as a food for my tankmates. It contains:
  • Shrimps
  • Squid rings and tentacles
  • Fully cooked mussel meat
  • Imitation crab meats/egg white
I am sure that I should not include the imitation crab meat when I blend it, but what about the mussel meat?...or any of the other ingredients for that matter?

I will probably throw in the frozen brine shrimp I have too to simplify feeding.

Also, I heard it is benefitial to add some mutli-vitamins to the blend. I don't have any multi-vitamins to add but do have some B-Complex tablets as well as some Omega-3 Fish oil capsules. Should I add these?

On behalf of my wife, my tankmates and myself - thanks in advance and a Merry Christmas wish to all.

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Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Good start. I would add some nori from the chinese deli, some flake food and if you can get it some freeze dried cyclopeeze. If you look on ReefCentral Eric Borneman has his mix on there.

Jul 29, 2005
Sunny Cali & Rainy England
Thanks Wayne. I'll investigate those additional ingredients. (Closest name I could find on reefcentral is Eric Boerner who has 1000+ posts. Search function doesn't work so I couldn't find any reference to his receipe).

Can you confirm that I should omit the imitaition crab and mussel meat. Also should I add some Omega-3 Fish Oil?

Yamaha - hey man, long time no hear from. Are you still salty? (edit: Just read your other posts - welcome back man)

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