What should I bring home for my empty tank?

Jan 16, 2011
Hey Guys ~

I am trading all my fish in tomorrow so I can start my community tank. It is a 125 gal.

Shouldn't I come home with some fish just to keep the bio filter going? How long can the tank go without fish?

I have to aquascape it too.


Large Fish
Dec 11, 2009
Your Imagination
Without ammonia, It won't take long for the bacteria to die off, so You could simply buy a bottle of pure ammonia and add it in every day to feed the bacteria. Make sure it is PURE ammonia though! I would definately do that if you are going to aquascape, because that would stress out fish! Good luck!

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
i mean it depends what you want to do with it.... if its just a few days don't worry about no fish... but more than 4 days I'd worry... I wouldn't do pure ammonia cause that **** is strong and might start another cycle almost by having to build up more bacteria...if anything just use fish food or something

But I would bring home fish... some sort of hardy smaller fish but that depends on what you want to do cause you have so much space


Medium Fish
Nov 30, 2010
Wisconsin, USA
OR... if it's a small enough lfs, you know the people, or are a frequent enough customer... they MIGHT let you hang your filters on their tanks to keep the filters going.. Just be sure they are on a one tank system preferably with healthy fish so you aren't accidently introducing disease to your new tank.


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
Take the filter media and stuff it into your smaller tank filter behind the other media. That will keep the cycle active in your 125 gallon media while you do other aquascaping and such. When you're ready to roll with your new stock just move the old filter back over. Viola! You kept your cycle active!

You do have another tank, right?

Jan 16, 2011
Take the filter media and stuff it into your smaller tank filter behind the other media. That will keep the cycle active in your 125 gallon media while you do other aquascaping and such. When you're ready to roll with your new stock just move the old filter back over. Viola! You kept your cycle active!

You do have another tank, right?

I use to have 4 55gal, and 2 20gal. I just wanted a big one. So your plan won't work.

Gotta plan B?

Jan 16, 2011
That sounds good to start off for a 125 gallon. What fish are in there currently?
5 very cool Fronts, 1 Blue Dolpin, and 2 leleupi. I have had them all over three years.

Plan B: Pure ammonia, or, easier to find, a few raw, uncooked shrimp to maintain a level of decay. Just don't let them get "too" bad.
I have shrimp!! hmm...I don't think it is raw though. I shrimp to my fronts. Cooked won't work?


Large Fish
Dec 11, 2009
Your Imagination
WOW! :) I've never heard of Fronts, so I'm assuming they are the very last picture, those are very impressive! Those are some good looking fish! Acctually, correct me if I'm wrong anyone, those are very big fish, so I think adding only 12 danios would kill a ton of bacteria because of lack of ammonia. I don't think it would be that horrible of a thing, but a bunch of dead bacteria in the water doesnt sound like a good thing either. You might have to up the numbers a bit, or go with the plan B's that people posted. Wait for one of our more knowledged aquarist to reply, I've only been keeping fish for a few years, so relying only on me might not be a good choice. Best of Luck! :)

Jan 16, 2011
You have never heard of Frontosa? Yes they get very very big. I have had them since 1 inch and and now they are 6-8 inches. They grow very slowly.

So now you are thinking only 12 Danios are not enough for the 125 gallon?

Aug 13, 2010
Sicklerville, NJ
If you know what you want and the water parameters are close you your LFS (PH) I would add fish today to the tank. If you are not sure, and your LFS will take things back in trade, I would get SOMETHING to keep the feeding the cycle. As some have said Danio's work well.

You may have an issue with PH however based on your previous stocking.

Good Luck and keep us posted!


Large Fish
Nov 13, 2010
Northeastern Tennessee.
Hello; I just read thru this thread. My understanding is that you do not have a second tank and want to keep beneficial bacteria going while you change over to a community tank with entirely different fish. Do you have a bucket, perhaps used for water changes? If so, put some gravel, ornaments, heater and if possible run the filter from the current setup in the bucket with a few hardy fish (I usually fill the bucket with water from an established tank as well). (My filters do not fit on a bucket rim.) If you have time run, a sponge filter in the current setup long enough to establish the bacteria. I used to have the habit of running a sponge filter buried in the gravel of a large tank and would throw it in a tempory tank while redoing a tank setup.

Jan 16, 2011
If you know what you want and the water parameters are close you your LFS (PH) I would add fish today to the tank. If you are not sure, and your LFS will take things back in trade, I would get SOMETHING to keep the feeding the cycle. As some have said Danio's work well.

You may have an issue with PH however based on your previous stocking.

Good Luck and keep us posted!
Fronts are kept in pH of 7.6 and everything I have read about each fish I want the best pH is 6-7.

I know it is best to keep it stable more than anything. I will ask the lfs what their pH is. Should it be exact or in the range of mine?

So you would add fish today....But I want to lower the water level and aquascape ~

What if I go back tomorrow and get some? I think I will get about 12 Danios. What do you think? And then some next week?

Why don't you just come with me?*twirlysmi

Jan 16, 2011
Hello; I just read thru this thread. My understanding is that you do not have a second tank and want to keep beneficial bacteria going while you change over to a community tank with entirely different fish. Do you have a bucket, perhaps used for water changes? If so, put some gravel, ornaments, heater and if possible run the filter from the current setup in the bucket with a few hardy fish (I usually fill the bucket with water from an established tank as well). (My filters do not fit on a bucket rim.) If you have time run, a sponge filter in the current setup long enough to establish the bacteria. I used to have the habit of running a sponge filter buried in the gravel of a large tank and would throw it in a tempory tank while redoing a tank setup.
Hi! Yes you are correct. This is a big tank and I have lots of plans for today. I don't really want fish in there while I'm working....they are so little, they might croak:(

I do have a bucket ~ that is not a bad idea....

Tell me ~ how long would you leave this tank without fish after it is all set up?

Jan 16, 2011
Would love too! LOL Are you in South Jersey? *thumbsups

The PH does not have to be the same, but close will be good. Is the water out of your tap 7.6? If so you should look for fish that are comfortable in that. Most of the captive breed common community fish will be fine in that.

I am in Cali! Too bad! We would have fun though!

Yes I use tap water and add Prime. So you are gonna get a 125 gallon?
