what should I do next?


New Fish
Jul 23, 2004
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New the this forum but I have been reading it for months and have found it to be usefull.
I bought a tank for a friend and it seems the well water was really dirty when filling the new 55 gallon tank that will soon have 4 goldfish and a sucker fish which are in the 10 gallon now. Thanks this forum I knew I needed a bigger tank. I bought a Magnum 350 Deluxe to filter the tank and I think its been about 3 days of continuous filtration. Please note tha you couldn't see anything in this tank unless it was up agents the glass. My question is, after the water clears, am I going to be able to use the same filter and be ok or do I need a 2nd filter?
My other question is, where could I find a decent but cheap light sytstem for the tank? 100 bucks is my limit as I need to get other things while the tank is prepareing. I suppose I should ask, is my setup good so far? I don't want to get a cheap setup. I want to do this right the first time.


Sep 23, 2003
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You want the water in a goldfish tank to go through a filter 10 times per hour so you want possibly another small filter. $ goldfish will be good in a 55 so you will be maxed out on fish. If the sucker fish is not a bushy nose, i just want to warn you they are not good tank mated for goldfish as goldfish are slow moving fish and too many people have reported sukkers going after golds tails when resting or sleeping. Just remeber the fish need at the least a 30% weekly water change even in the 55. goldfish are really messy, I have a ton of them, and even with mine being stocked at 1 per 20 gallons i still get lots of guck durring water changes.


Large Fish
Jul 16, 2004
I keep a magnum 350 and a shoplight from Home Depot on my goldfish tank. You won't need any more filtration, just remember to change your cartridges and do your water changes. Granted my tank is for feeders intended to be fed, but that makes it all the more sound. I keep between 25-100 feeders in my feeder tank at all times with no problems. With only 4 fish your system should be well equipt to handle the load. Just be sure to add slowly.

**also note: my opinion is based on goldfish for feeders. I do lose some from time to time but for the most part even my feeders are healthy, as I don't want to feed my fish sick or diseased feeders. This is what works for me, and my opinion is just that. If you find my opinion general B.S., so be it.
~~just trying to help~~