what should I do? Ordered a custom tank

Oct 7, 2009
Hi everyone! I need some advice about how to recieve my custom tank I ordered and paid for over 10 months ago. I ordered a 220gal tank from Concept Aquarium last November. I asked about the approx. weight of the Tank/setup but after further inquiry from a local saltwater dealer, there was no way that the second floor condo I live in was going to support the total weight. I admit that I signed a contract with the company that stated there would be no refund for custom orders (before inquiring further about the total weight of setup). After talking to the male owner of the business, he agreed to refund me the money minus the cost of materials. Fair right. Well, after months and months of no refund I informed the credit card company. We all came to agreement that I would recieve the tank instead of the partial refund, which was fine by me. To this date I still haven't recieved the tank and the company took down their first website, has claimed that the bank has taken the company but they have built a new sit with a new name (Aquarium Illusion) and their custom manufacturer is still Concept Aquarium. Anybody have any ideas how I can get the tank? Thanks for the help.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
I think the problem is the manufacturer has gone out of business in which case you line up behind all his other creditors. You will not likely have any luck in either obtaining a tank or obtaining a refund

Oct 7, 2009
I know small claims is an option but the most frustrating part is that they have that new website up and state that the their sister company is the manufacturer of the custom tanks (the company I ordered from). Based off of everything about them I see the web, I see nothing but crooks. Thank you for all of the responses. They confirmed what my next move needs to be. Thank you again.