What should I do?

Feb 12, 2004
Ottawa, Ont.
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1 of my pseudotropheus demasoni is holding her fry in her mouth. I'm not sure if shes getting enough food if any at all and am wondering if I should try and get her to release them or not. I do not have another tank that she can go into with her fry so its abit limited at what I can attempt. Any suggestions?

Feb 12, 2004
Ottawa, Ont.
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Thank you for the info. She released 2 during a WC yesturday thats why I posted after looking around here for 2 months. The fry that I saw swim freely and eat but she has since got them back in her mouth. Its been about 2 weeks that I noticed she had that bag under her jaw, had no clue what it was. Guess I'll do some research and try to get a small tank to hold these guys in for the future.