I started this post in the general reefkeeping area, but have moved it over here because its about lighting. As I said my LFS man vetoed all but 2 of the corals on my wish list. My answer to the problem is for him to take the T5 lights back, they have barley been used, I didnt want to run them for the most part because I didnt have anything in the tank untill last night and I wanted to have as little of an alage problem as I could, also when I got this tank He asked me what my plans for this tank were, and I told him then that I wanted to grow corals. His solution to the problem: You have 4 T5 lights in your tank, take 2 of them and move them to the back part portion of your canopy and take the 2 remaining T5 lights and move them to the front portion of your canopy, then run the new stronger lights down the middle, thus haveing 2 different types of lights in the tank set-up. This dosn't make to much since to me but I will defer this problem to smarter minds then mine, what do ya'll think???