What should i get?

Nov 17, 2006
My dad suprised me and brought home my 75 gallon today.Tommorrow i am going to get supples.I no i am getting a python but dont no what else to get i have a stand,hood,light,Whisper power filter 60 gallons,Whisper air pump 100 gallon with no tubing. Thats what i have i want to get black and white gravel.I dont no what to get i need help.Also i dont no what fish to put in one is a tire track eel and a blk knife fish but thats it i need help plz.TKS PATRICK *BOUNCINGS


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Snowy Upstate New York
I wouldn't get a Whisper... they're really pretty lousy filter filters. I would also ditch the air pump, they're not really needed, unless you absolutely _have_ to have that treasure chest that opens and closes in your tank....

I would recommend getting two HoB style power filters. Maybe two Penguin 350s, or a 350 and an Aquaclear 70. If you place them on the back of the aquarium, at either end, you'll get excellent circulation, and if one dies, it'll buy you some time to get it replaced.

Same thing goes for heaters... Run two smaller heater instead of one big one. A lot of people like Visi-therms, but I've had good luck with pretty much all fully submersible heaters. As long as the tank the room is in isn't too cold, you should be fine with two 200W heaters. If the room does get cold (some people (like me) turn their heat down to the mid-50's overnight), I would recommend getting two 250W heaters

Just a rule of thumb, you're never going to have too much filtration on a tank. A filter rated for a 60 gallon tank is never going to be enough for a 75. I would never even run it as the sole filter on a 55.

Almost all my tanks have two forms of filtration and two heaters. The peace of mind is well worth the slight increase in cost of buying two smaller, rather than one larger.

Just my $0.02, hope it helps.


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Superstar Fish
Aug 26, 2006
Thule, Greenland
I would get a XP3 and run it along with HOB filter. You will need heaters, 2 200W will work. I would skip the white gravel it dosnt stay whtie for long. I like the mix of black and nutural or tan. Dont forget the water conditioner and get the big bottle, the little one dont last that long. I have air pumps on my tank but it for circulation. I run bubble curtain under my heater to help move the heat around. At least 25 ft of tubing, if you are keeping the Air pump. Either some plant or decor for the new tank.

You will not find it at a LFS but pick up some pure ammonia so you can do a fish-less cycle in it.

Other thing you need to consider is what fish you will be keeping with the 2 you mentioned.


Nov 17, 2006
So i can do it keep the 60 in there an add either a XP3.Also what is a XP3? Thats good i need to no cause we were going to return it but we dont no if they take it back.Is there a way to have a filter at the bottom of the tank to like kick up dirt and then it sucks it up.I dont no if it is possible i herd somethin like that a while ago.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
just be sure you get submersible heaters so that you can hide them more easily. (I've had pretty bad luck with all of the big name heaters so just make sure you get a kind with a click temperature, where you turn a dial to set the temp and its not a guessing game, and get a thermometer for the tank so you can keep an eye on the temp.)

Places like bigals and drsfostersmith have really good sales and free shipping sales sometimes, so you could save a TON of money by waiting a little while for your supplies. You could definitely get the substrate (gravel) now...since that is usually more expensive to ship than to buy at a pet store. Depending on the type of fish you're getting I usually go for a neutral color like someone else suggested.

Personally I would buy an Eheim canister filter to go with your HOB for that tank...I've had very good luck with mine and even though they are a bit more expensive, they're not too bad compared to other brands (although I haven't honestly priced Rena with them, more compared to fluval).

Also, be sure to get your big container of whatever water conditioner/dechlorinator you want to use from a website instead of a store because they are so much cheaper. That means more money for the fish :)


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