What should i get?


Large Fish
Jan 9, 2011
New England
Hmmm, I guess it depends on what you like. You could get another small school of tetras. Or you could go for some hatchet fish. They will cover the top while the tetras and the pleco cover the middle & bottom ranges. You could also go for a small handful of male guppies - showy but won't over-run your tank with fry. A peaceful male betta could also work, or a few females. You could also try a single dwarf gourami, some killifish, or something like that.
Let us know what you end up with. :)

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Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
small group of cories for bottom and dwarf gourami?

or some hatchets and dwarf gourami

larger tetra school with hatchets

add some red cherry shrimp-or ghost shrimp even

lots of options...you could do a single angel also, but they might pick on your neons or eat them


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
I have found the serpas very colorful and active and not had any problems with fin nipping as long as they are in a group of four or more. The long finned ones are even prettier.

I think another tetra school would be fitting. I have schools of Cardinals, Rummy-Nosed, Silver-Tips, and Von Rios all of which are very beautiful. Silver-Tips are known to be pretty nippy but I keep mine in a large school and have had no issues with any of them. I also think because you have a planted tank tetras would be fun, Silver-Tips absolutely love playing around in the plants (more so than my other tetras) it's great to watch.

Or maybe the Purple Emperor Tetra or Chili Rasbora -- a school of either of those would be great. The Lampeye Killifish are also super great, but super hard to find (at least around here).