When I started this semester at college I noticed a neglected fish tank in the halway of the physical science building. It was a twenty gallon about 3/4 full of water and had a kissing gourami and a chocolate pleco in it. the casual observer would probably never notice however, since these fish hid all the time. I asked around and found out who owned the tank, one of the profesors. He admitted that he knew very little about fish and gladly agreed to me volunteering to care for the tank. I did water tests and found that Nitrate was over 150 ppm. I did a 50 percent water change and nitrate was still off the scale high over 10 ppm. I eventually stabalized the tank and added two gold gouramis, and a blue gourami and swiched out the chocolate pleco, who in my opinion had grown too big for the tank, for a baby common pleco. (I moved the chocolate to my dads 240 gallon tank.) I also put in a fiddler crab and several baby ramshorn snails. I added a heater and a background and did some much needed cleanup of the hood so that the light actually shined into the tank, rather than being obsured by sludge. The tank looks four hundred times better than it did but I still don't think its very good.
Since this tank is in a prominent position in the building halway, I want to put something more interesting in there. However it has to be hardy enough to go weekends without feeding since noone is around. I can move all the fish in there out into my other tanks with no problem. What do you think? What kind of fish would do well in a twenty gallon tank, atract attension, and need little maintanence?
Since this tank is in a prominent position in the building halway, I want to put something more interesting in there. However it has to be hardy enough to go weekends without feeding since noone is around. I can move all the fish in there out into my other tanks with no problem. What do you think? What kind of fish would do well in a twenty gallon tank, atract attension, and need little maintanence?