What size tank


Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
I am thinking of changing my 20G into a saltwater tank. Now what I want to know is that can I put 2 clown fish in a 20 G with some coral? If not what size should I get to fit the 2 clown fish? I will do all this slowly maybe in the coming 2-3 months. By the end of this month I will have my 20 g and equipment ready. Equipment i already have is

thats it.

What I need. correct me if I am wrong.

live rock
2 powerheads
test kits
lighting (help needed here)

I think thats about it. Any advice is good. Please help me out with this.


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Jan 16, 2004
Syracuse, NY
Filters arent really necessary on a saltwater tank, actually a hang on back with sponges can be a nitrate trap- remove the sponge and you could always use yours for surface agitation and possibly run the carbon though. More flow certainly wont hurt. Water changes, live rock, substrate, and flow will be your main methods of filtration.

Might have slipped your mind but a cover or top of some sort will be another peice of equiptment.

As far as lighting.... you could do a power compact unit and keep soft corals, some large polyp stonys, zoanthids, alot of things really. Just no small polyp stony corals... which can be a bit trickier. There are alot of units out there, many people for example use the Coralife pc unit with much success.

As far as 'sand' goes you might want to look at a reef grade substrate such as Aragonite sold either online or in the fish shop.

And for fish... personally in the 20 you can do a pair of clowns and one other small fish, like a goby or something like size. Youd want to get the tank cycled out, -sometimes takes round a month- add some cleaning inverts such as hermits, snails, etc then look into some fish after a little while longer with everything doing ok.

Likes: Panther28


Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
Mushroomman said:
Filters arent really necessary on a saltwater tank, actually a hang on back with sponges can be a nitrate trap- remove the sponge and you could always use yours for surface agitation and possibly run the carbon though. More flow certainly wont hurt.
I was going to run the filter as a surface agitater only. I had read it in some previou thread.

Might have slipped your mind but a cover or top of some sort will be another peice of equiptment.
It actually had splipped my mind thanks for reminding me. I was thinking of getting a glass cover that I have seen at petco or petsmart.

As far as lighting.... you could do a power compact unit and keep soft corals, some large polyp stonys, zoanthids, alot of things really. Just no small polyp stony corals... which can be a bit trickier. There are alot of units out there, many people for example use the Coralife pc unit with much success.
As for light I need some specific lights. I will look in to Coralife pc unit. Thanks
until the tank is cycled can I use regular lighting?

Will definetly go with soft corals. I have seen some clowns playing with it.

As far as 'sand' goes you might want to look at a reef grade substrate such as Aragonite sold either online or in the fish shop.
As for sand I will go with your suggestion. Aragonite it is.

And for fish... personally in the 20 you can do a pair of clowns and one other small fish, like a goby or something like size. Youd want to get the tank cycled out, -sometimes takes round a month- add some cleaning inverts such as hermits, snails, etc then look into some fish after a little while longer with everything doing ok.

Its a good thing I can get a pair of clowns as my only interest in saltwater tank is cuz of them. Although it will take a few months before i can get them.

You have been very helpfull. You did not say anything about live rock?

Jan 16, 2004
Syracuse, NY
I mentioned live rock in the filtration spiel but might have been unclear. Aim for around 20 pounds, place it in the tank to start the cycle.

And another thing I forgot.... powerheads. Several different brands, need to look at getting some what they basically do is create adequate water flow for corals and the rock to do its job.

Yep you can use any kind of lighting until you get corals.


Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
I was looking at powerheads today at petco. But I dont know how many GPH should I get? Do you think the more GPH the better or?? which live rock should i get there are a few different types.

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Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Snowy Upstate New York
In my 20G, I'm running two Maxijet 1200's. They have an optimal GPH rating of 295 GPH @ 0' head pressure.

I'm also running an Aquaclear 150 (I forget what the new number is... 30 or something like that), so that's another 150 GPH (in theory).

So, if everything is running as it's rated, that's a little shy of 750 GPH.

Read the sticky in the general SW forum about flow.


Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
That sounds great. I might get the maxijet you are using the price is not bad for 295 GPH. I also have an aquaclear filter 30(150). So the more GPH the better. Although i have a question. Where are the powerheads situated in your tank?

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Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
An airstone is just extra complication. I think 20 lbs of LR is a bit much, I would likely go for maybe half, but get really good quality plating rock.

As far s lighting goes if you get 2 * 36 watt or 2 * 55 watt you can keep most anything including most SPS (you'll have more flow problems than light with shallow water sps). As long as you avoid acropora, and other tricky things and go for say Montipora you would be fine.


Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
JeLeAk said:

my 20 gallon long has 20 lbs sand, 25'ish lbs of live rock, 130 watt power compact lighting, 2 250 gph power heads, and seems to be doing pretty well

I read your post and got a lot of info from it. Could some one please tell me where should the powerheads be placed in the tank so that flow is good.

Good airstone is not required cuz I just hate them.

Today I had gone to petco to look for a few things. The only powerhead they have are something like $30 to $45. Thats too much for powerheads. Can anybody recommend good powerheads with a good price.

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Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
As for lighting. I have a 2 light strips with old lights in them. Will it be ok if i just change the light in them to a more powerfull one. So there will be 2 *55 watt. The only problem will be having 2 light strips on the glass top of the tank. Wont look great but will do the job. Will it??

What kind of water to use? Can I use my tap water or should I get distilled water like sierra premium water which costs $1.50 per 5 Gallon

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Large Fish
Jan 4, 2005
my powerheads were around $30 a piece i think, i can double check my receipt

as for placement

if your looking top down i have one lower right and one upper left corners

there is a little bit of washing machine effect but it is very minimal and i think the flow looks good, with little dead spots(there is low flow under the powerheads)

as for the powerheads you listed, i duno what is their GPH rating? and i dont even know what brand that is so i cant say how good their quality is, but sweepers are nice, i wish i woulda got two sweepers