What tha


Medium Fish
Mar 19, 2010
Okay 5 days ago my friend took a plant from his ditch and put it in his tank, I told him it was a bad idea, well the plant lived for about a week and then he cut the top part off. Well when I went to my friends house yesterday he said he saw a snail with a black body and a brown shell, and some of the worm things I have. How did a snail that was found on land far from water live in a aquarium. My friends paranoid and it looks like the snail is thriving. He just cycled his tank. The only thing he has is three ghost shrimp. He never had fish in his tank.

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Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
Maybe you and your friend should realise you shouldn't take plants and fish from the wild and introduce them to your tank A. without knowing what it is and B. without quarantining them. Unfortunately there's nothing else I can say about this without knowing a lot more about your tank and your friend's tank, but overall it's a silly idea to do what you've done, you could have introduced any number of parasites, including leeches, and all sorts of toxins and dangerous chemicals simply by not researching.

You need to realise it's no use asking for help AFTER you've done the damage. As I said, the only way we can help you is with photos and/or a FULL description of your tank.


Large Fish
Dec 11, 2009
Your Imagination
defanitly have your friend remove the snail and the plant and try to take out the worm things (if possible) then I'd give the tank a few days, then do a water check and make sure the shrimp are doing fine.