What to buy???


Large Fish
Dec 2, 2002
Buffalo, NY
As an unexpected gift, I received a $20 gift certificate to my lfs from my sister's boyfriend. The question is though, what do I get? I'm afraid to add more fish as it's a pretty new tank and probably allready overstocked for its age. It's been running with fish for about a month now. Here's what I've got so far.
A 30 gallon planted tank
5 cherry barbs, 2 red velvet swordtails, 2 koi angels, 2 SAE, 2 Ottos
Green stuff:
Java Fern, java moss, green hygro, anubias barteri, Crypt sp, anacharis, hornwart.
Driftwood, rocks (shale, rainbow slate), flourite, gravel, 15w fluorescent, 26w CF (note 2700K no idea if it helps the plants), biowheel 160 (had 330, but it broke), Visa-therm heater.

I want to add a school of cardinal tetras at some point, as well as more plants. I have plans to order a 96w CF setup from ahsupply.com and add CO2 injection to help the plants. Any suggestions on what to get locally would be great. Thanks!


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Calgary AB
How about a bigger or second tank? Right now you're tank is overfull, and possibly not fully cycled.

The Koi Angels, and the Barbs are not compatible fishes, the barbs will nip at the angels fins, causing undue stress which will eventually lead to disease problems.

Never mind the fact that the two angels will pretty much need the whole tank for themselves once full grown (Usual rule of thumb is at least 10g / grown angel fish)

I'm not trying to rag on you, but I did want to point out that you do have not-compatible species. You might want to try trading in the barbs for something else, or getting a second tank to separate the fish.
