what to do, what toget?


Small Fish
May 13, 2003
the lanc, pa
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I'm in a very exciting position- I'm getting a new tank. I wanted to get a 5' long tank, but I seem to be very limited in sizes. I was hoping for 60x18x24, but there is nothing like this out there that I could find. I thought I would build my own, but when I priced the tempered glass it was well over $300, so I guess I'm getting a 90 gal., maybe a 110. My idea is to have as little apparatus visible as possible, since the tank is going to be in the middle of my living room. I would like to put an undergravel filter and canister filter in it in order to be done with the whole HOT power filter. Here's where you guys and gals come in. I was hoping someone would have some good info on which manufacturer to buy (especially on the canister), also if there's any good places on the net to purchase things or if I should just w/ my LFS. Any thoughts or ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for any info.

You don't have to get tempered glass to build a tank. I'm building a 90 gal. with regular glass. As for the filter, I wouldn't bother with an under gravel filter. I'd get an Eheim Pro. Model 2126 & 2128 have built in heaters. http://www.bigalsonline.com has some pretty good prices for being on the net. But you could check your lfs just in case. Good luck


Small Fish
Jun 7, 2003
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Accually if you are interested, there are many plans available on the net for DIY plywood tanks. You would only need a front glass section and the other walls
(plywood) can be made to look fantastic by fabricating styrofoam chunks (shaped accordingly) covered in cement to simulate a rock walls with caves ect. The sky is the limit as to how natural an enviroment you can make. I used the styrofoam and concrete along with some safe paints to make a very realistic tree root structure coming down the back corner wall. The fish loved it for cover. I also hid all the plumbing in it and the backside wall as well. If you can imagine it, you can make it happen easily. The exterior wood can be made a work of art that matches you decorating style by many ways from veniers to simulate wood with wood mouldings (my favorite) or paint it your favorite color. I hope you like this and it helps you create the tank of your dreams. PS Another factor. IT IS INEXPENSIVE AND LASTS YEARS!!!!!

here's a link for a 140 gallon that you can make any size you want. http://saltaquarium.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm?site=http://www.athiel.com/lib6/tank.htm

Last edited:
Oct 22, 2002
grev, from my last 5 years experience in keeping fish I've learned one thing, under gravel filters SUCK!!!!!! dont be fooled!!! They suck!!!!

As far as tanks look on ebay there are dozens of em in our area.

I personally like the Filstar filters, they are all over ebay