what to do with my new 29 gallons?


Small Fish
Dec 8, 2002
Visit site
Well for x-mas i got 2 complete 29 gallon fish tanks. i have 20lbs of cichlid mix sahara sand in each tank.with some hornwort,java fern and java moss.one has rocks and one will soon have rocks. I am not to fond of community tanks. i like to breed ats cool to watch.I want cichlids preferibly. I was thinking one tank firemouths one yellow labs? I also have a old 20 gal to put fish in i want this one to be a community tank. In this i want some sort of catfishes or something cool. please any ideas are appreciated.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Worth, TX
Grammar check....uhhh...

Anyhow, you use the substrate, forget about the plants.

You use the substrate, forget about the Firemouths, or any other CA/SA cichlid.

With that substrate, all you can (should) get are African cichlids.

Put the plants in the 20g with a bag of Flourite and a bad of reg. gravel, make one 29g an African tank, the other a saltwater reef tank. Trade the extra sand in on some SW sand, and figure out the rest on your own. :D