What to do with that 35gallon


Large Fish
Oct 17, 2009
Frederick, MD
I have a 35 gallon tank waiting to be set up and put to use. Most likely (well not most likely, it will) be a tank designated for Aquascaping. This is my first adventure beyond the realm of fake plant life and as it starts i'll keep a journal. My question to you is... what would be a decent type of fish to stock in this.

I want the scape to stand out, but i def. want the fish to stand out as well. More than likely i'm looking for schools of fish, but dont want to go the regular route of Neons and the like, i want a unique fish that stands apart from the rest, any suggestions?


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
Hmm. As a centrepiece fish, I'd get a few pearl gouramis, they're peaceful enough to be housed together with very few issues which is unusual for gouramis, and get to a nice size of around 4 inches.

As for your shoal.. something interesting? Keep an eye out for microrasboras (stunning colours depending on the type and quite a novelty), and tetras you don't usually see. You could have a group of hatchetfish for the surface perhaps, maybe something like colombian tetras in a good sized group? Depends what sort of size/shape shoalers you want!


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
Careful if you want a carpet plant like HC. danios and other energetic fish (maybe even gourami) may pick on this plant and uproot it frequently, unless you let it fully carpet and establish before adding any fish.

Never put a bottom dweller fish in a tank that is growing a carpet plant like HC or even dwarf hairgrass. only after you get a full thick carpet can you introduce stuff like cories.