what to do with the stuff in the starter kit?


Small Fish
Nov 27, 2005
Hi, I've went to Big Al's and got this 5.5 Gal starter kit which comes with some stuff that I don't know how to use to start the tank.

1) Multipurpose BIO-Support
2) Aquaruim Water Conditioner
3) Multipurpose BIO-Clean
4) Tetra Aqua Safe - One-Step Formula

Basically I just put 1 teaspoon of item 1, 2, and 3 when I finish putting the water inside the tank and turned the bio-wheel on.....did I do it right?

Actually....what's the actual procedure I need to do? I'm not sure what to do with item 4.

Thx All.


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
Im not positive on this stuff because Ive never seen or used a bigals starter kit, but Ill do my best to explain what I think it is:

1) I looked this up online and it seems to be a cycle starter (since you added it to your tank first). It says its used for replenishing bacteria in your tank, but without any ammonia to feed on it wont thrive. Search the forums for threads on fishLESS cycling and that will tell you what to do with this item/ to get the tank ready for fish.

2) Water conditioner is stuff you add to tap water to take out the harmful contaiments such as chlorine. Use this on all tap water before water changes and it was good that you put it in the tank when you first set it up.

3) After reading up on this sounds like another way to introduce bacteria into the tank but is labeled for cleaning purposes. I dont see the point of adding this before you have fish in the tank since once again there will be nothing for it to feed on (or for what its labeled for, nothing for it to "clean")

4) Tetra aquasafe is the same thing as the Water Conditioner. I dont know if what you have (Tetra Aqua Safe - One-Step Formula) is different than just regualr Tetra Aqua Safe

Did this kit come with instructions or anything?


Small Fish
Nov 27, 2005
um...would the stuff I've added now affect my cycling??

and actually...what am I suppose to do now?? I just put all the water and gravel and items 1, 2, and 3 in the tank today...


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
Item 1 and 2 would probably effect your cycling, but imo without a food source (ammonia) they wont survive. (http://www.myfishtank.net/forum/showthread.php?t=31669 this will give you a good thread on fishless cycling and everything else)

AS for what to do now, You need to read through the stuff and then start a fishless cycle by adding ammonia and testing your water paramaters (ammonia, nitrite, and nitrite).


Small Fish
Sep 12, 2005

The Bio Clean is to be used very infrequently - it causes ammonia spikes and is only to be used if your tank is very dirty - it'd have to be running with fish for at least 6 mo. before you need it. However, if you do your proper cleanings and have some plants, the guys at my Big Als in the fish dept say you'd never need it. I think that they throw it in to make you aware of their stuff so you'd come back and buy more.

Go back to big als and ask for instructions. They'll tell you exactly what to do with their products (they do at my store anyways).

Also visit their online sales website - look up each product in your kit and read about its purpose / usage.

I think that all you are missing is some ammonia - crumble up some fish food really really fine and add it to the tank (a small pinch). Or you can buy ammonia at the fish store to start the cycling. Follow the guidelines for fishless cycling, and you should be find.

Get a test kit too. Test the water. Ammonia, ph, alkalinity, nitrates & nitrites, hardness.
I initially didn't have one and we had our cycle with fish and an ammonia spike that I wasn't aware of til too late, as we added too many fish too fast (satisfying a 5 year old's needs for FISH NOW), and well, we are now happily on our second batch of fish and they are breeding!!



Small Fish
Nov 27, 2005
Cheryl, Thanks for your help.
But am I suppose to add the water conditioner or should I let the water run in the tank for 4 days before I put ammonia in?
As of now, I just have a tank full of tap water with the bio-wheel turned on (I replaced the last batch of water)


Small Fish
Sep 12, 2005
Ok I'm new to this but...

The water conditioner takes out chlorine(bad) from your tap water. You need water conditioner.

The ammonia mimics the fish waste which you need to start the fishless cycle to grow the bacteria. Without enuf bacteria already grown, adding fish will overload the tank with waste and the bacteria will not be able to keep up. I think that you add the water conditioner immediately, and then add ammonia. Once you have fish, you no longer need ammonia because the bacteria survive off the fish waste.

Any fish experts please help too!!!