What to do with very aggressive Barb


Medium Fish
Feb 13, 2011
I have two barbs which have lived together for almost a year with no problems.

However, in the last couple months one barb has been very aggressive towards the other. He is constantly chasing, nipping at and trying to beat up this other barb to the point where the other barb has cut his mouth and scared him into hiding in ornaments all day to get away from him.

My boyfriend says we should remove the aggressive barb, but I would feel bad about killing the aggressive barb even though he is a little a-hole. I thought about maybe buying a small tank and removing one of the barbs and letting it live alone or something ...

What should I do???


Medium Fish
Feb 13, 2011
No idea if they are male or female.

There are 17 fish in the tank. It's a 60 gallon freshwater.

He doesn't really seem to bother any of the other fish, just the fellow barb.