What to feed hermit crabs?

Sep 15, 2004
Tucson, AZ
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About 1 to 1 1/2 months ago i got some hermit crabs to mow down the hair algea problem i was having. Well they did an amazing job, almost to good of a job. There is no algea to be found and now a couple crabs have died. What can i feed them so they stay healthy?


Superstar Fish
Jun 3, 2003
Glendale, AZ
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they will happily munch on snails--but you probably would not be happy with that
hermit crabs are extremely hardy and can usually get by on what they find unless you underfeed your fish (which is very unlikely in the hobby)....your hermit crab deaths might be from something else


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
your tank is a ten gallon right? how many hermits did you have in there?

as dbacksrat said, they are very good scavengers...something to remember is that most hermits don't live more than a year or so and if they were big when you bought them it could have already been close to their time...chances are it isn't really your doing...but if you are concerned about it, check your nitrates, etc because they are more sensitive to those toxins than fish

Sep 15, 2004
Tucson, AZ
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camero- i did have it in a 10 but i moved it into 29 because i wanted something alittle bit more stable. The crabs were pretty small but i havn't lost any in about a week or two so i think that what ever was wrong is fixed now.

Just an update for those who remember my post before.

My base rock that i am culturing is turning out to be wonderful, there are tiny feather dusters forming all over it, there is a nice green algea over the whole rock and is slowly being taken over by coraline algea. There are also tons of creatures that have claimed the rock as thier home.

I also got a bi-colored blennie from my LFS. I have to say that i am so lucky that i have found such a great store. It is a guy who opened up his own shop becase he had to many tanks in his house. Every time i go in he asks me how my specific fish are doing. His live rock is the best i have seen.

One day i went in and said i want 30 dollars worth of live rock in smaller pieces. He went and got a couple pieces that had some amazing shape and color. When he weighed it it was worth about $36. so instead of putting te pieces back and getting new ones, he just took like 20 percent off so that i would only have to pay the $30 i came in to spend.

Just thought i would let everyone know how great my LFS was.