What to feed snails?


Medium Fish
Dec 16, 2008
I posted this question a few weeks ago, but no one responded, so I figured I'd try again. I bought 3 snails to clean up an algae problem I had going on in my 5-gal. hex tank, and they have done a beautiful job....but now that all the algae is gone, I need to feed them. I put in an algae tab, and it doesn't look like they are interested in it. They're sucking on the plant I have in there as we speak. What should I try feeding them? They share the tank with 1 betta, who I feed the pellets to. TIA!


Small Fish
Sep 16, 2006
winnipeg manitoba
plants with high calcium content help build strong shells, collard green,mustard green and spinach are my snails favorites

they will eat lettuce, but it has little nutritional value

i also throw mine the brocolli stems that we would throw away

now that summer is here the best free food is dandelion greens, however make sure you only collect from a place you know is fertalizer and pestacide free