What to get for my 75G?

Hey everyone! Its been a LONG time since i've been on.
But its time to stock up the 75G again! To fill you in on whats happened:
My asthma got so bad that I am now only able to have one tank :( so i chose to keep the 75G.
Some of the fish have died :( I'm now down to:
3 Silver Dollars
1 angel
3 cory's
1 common pleco
1 golden wonder killie

Its sort of empty. I have been thinking about getting some Rams or Kribs again. For those who have never owned any but want to try I recommend them under the right conditions. I have also been thinking about getting some more angels.

Tell me what you think I should get!


Superstar Fish
Jan 2, 2007
Good to see you again! I've just recently began spending more time here, too. My health took a turn for the worse, also, but hopefully I will be around more often. So, stick around so I'll recognize someone!


Superstar Fish
Jan 20, 2008
Corpus Christi, Texas
Hey silver dollars.. good to see you and I second what Tom said all the way around, I have been gone for 8 months and just got back here recently. Hope all is well with you now.

Oh yea go with the kribs...never had them but if I go back to a smaller tropical tank I will get them.