What to get?


Large Fish
Jul 11, 2006
Syracuse, Ny
First off id like to ask should i get a 2.5g tank for my beta? and do they sell stands for them? i have him in a 1g with under gravel filter wich i dont like....
so i would like some type of "good filter" and a heater for my beta iv had him for like 6 months i think?? and wanna pimp his house out lol.... if i decide on the 2.5 what should i put in it with him? a cave or plants?

Now thee other question...
What should i get for my 30g for a primary "center" fish for my tank and should i get anything else? i was thinking a candy stipe pleco.... also im not sure if my cae is a cae or an otto how can i tell them apart? today i picked up 2 more tiger barbs and 2 guppys.. i let the lady pick out the guppies and one is prego and looks sickly >.>

Any Help is apreicated.... Doom Clown


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
A CAE is going to be yellowish and get much larger than an oto. It'll almost have tiger stripes along its back. An oto stays small, and is black and white... white with a vertical black stripe I believe. It also has a "rounder" face than a CAE... CAE's have pointy noses. Otos stick more to the sides of the aquarium, CAE's (from what I've seen) prefer the bottom. You can also google pictures of them and you should be able to tell if my descriptions weren't clear enough.

I'm not sure if they specifically sell stands for a 2.5g, for the most part any table or desk will hold one. I've never seen a 2.5g stand. You could of course put one on a stand for a larger aquarium, as long as the stand has a solid top. You could do a HOB filter (like a whisper) set to a low flow, since the betta won't like too much current. A lot of bettas like to sit on/in plants and rest, so I'd get him at least one and a cave also if you like the looks of it (it's your tank too :)).


Large Fish
Jul 11, 2006
Syracuse, Ny
soooo i went to my lfs and picked up a 5.5g tank and 5lbs of black gravel a background... next week ill get him the filter and heater and a fake plant or 2 anyhting else i forgot?

im taking pics of it later

ps is there anything else i could get for the betas tank as far as other aquatic creatures go or fish?

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Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
In a 5.5g you can have a few fish with him (if he permits it). For example, a few white clouds, an oto, a mystery snail, an african dwarf frog or two, or maybe something else.


Large Fish
Jul 11, 2006
Syracuse, Ny
yeah ill try his temperment when i get a couple....

errr decided i didnt want to wait so i went to my 30 and scooped a guppie >.> he ate the guppie >.>.... j/k he hasnt even bothered it yet lol

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