What to get?


Superstar Fish
I currently have some Harlequin Rasboras, some neon tetras, a betta, and an African Dwarf Frog. We just got a new ten gallon tank and are having difficulty deciding what to get. We liked a catfish that gets to be 5 inches, but opted against that. Then we were thinking an angel fish and one or two other small ones. Would this be too small for an angel? I read they need a tank that is 18 inches tall. Also, we had originally wanted a really neat looking exotic fish...but dont know what to get! And the ones we have seen are either very expensive (a blue tropheus for forty dollars a peice) or are aggressive and we aren't sure what to put in with it. So, does anyone have any ideas of a really beautiful fish suitable for this size tank? And some tankmates to go with it? Thanks in advance:)

Feb 2, 2003
North Dakota
I would not recommend kepping even one Full grown angel in a 10g, sure when they are small, but their bodies alone can get 5in, plus the dorsal and anal fins. If you want really beutiful fish that are small, I would look into the smaller dwarf cichlids, mainly Apistogrammas, espectially the Cacatuoides or Cockatoo Dwarf cichlid. The males can be most colorful!!


Superstar Fish
Apr 14, 2003
Valencia, California.
Angel fish can grow big, so I would suggest againsed that. If you want a beautiful fish for a 10 gal. why not get a beta? Also, if you like cat fish cory cats are great for a 10 gal. as they dont get overly big.