What to put in...


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Kalamazoo, MI
I have had this 29g sw tank set up for some time now. I have the following in the tank: 3 damsels, 1 coral beauty, 3 blue legged dwarf hermits, 4 zebra hermits, 5 red legged hermits, 2 fairly large unidentified hermits, 1 cleaner shrimp, 1 peppermint shrimp and 2 snail. I am going to be giving the damsels back to the lfs and get something different, I'm not sure yet, any suggestions? I was also wondering if anyone new where on the net that there are some cardinalfish profiles, I'm having trouble identifying one I saw at the lfs, and I couldn't find it in any profiles, I'm looking for an extensive one. Thanks!

Also I would like to add a flame angel, would that work?

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Large Fish
Jan 6, 2003
Visit site
I wouldn't add another dwarf angel to the tank, but that's just my opinion.
Cardinals are nice and they can be bred too......are you thinking of the pajama or the bangaii?

I would look around on the net for you for profiles, but sitting too long starts to hurt....I threw my back out over 2 weeks ago and I am just now starting to get used to sitting in the computer chair again. Sorry!:(


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Kalamazoo, MI
Good ol' back problems, I'm not sure what kind of cardinal this is, it may not be one but I figured it was by the eyes, it wasn't shaped like a pajama cardinal.


Large Fish
Jan 6, 2003
Visit site
Take a look here, is it one of these?


Frankly, I don't see a problem with a coral beauty in a 29g...they max out at 6" with 4" being more common.....and as for taking fish back to the LFS, well I've done it myself....I've also given fish away too. In fact I recently gave 6 lemon tetras (FW) to a friend of mine at work. I don't feel that this makes me a bad person. I would rather sell or give away an animal rather than hanging on to it and perhaps ending up giving it less than optimal care......maybe a personal phobia, but I can remember going to a friends house years ago (before I got into fish) and seeing a dark aquarium in her living room. When I commented on the tank, she turned on the lights and the tank and fish were in horrible condition. Murky water, thick layers of mulm on the gravel, the fish were listless and had tattered fins. When I asked her why she kept it, she said she just couldn't give the fish up......

Just my 2¢


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Kalamazoo, MI
I'm returning the damsels because they are too aggressive, I got them to cycle the tank and was told that they weren't aggressive, (blue damsels) turns out they are. Yes good ol' liveaquaria.com, I agree the angel won't get to big.