what to put with a gourami


Large Fish
May 11, 2006
Guelph, ON
So I have a little dwarf sunset gourami who I had orignially put in my 32G tank with a bunch of the other fish (another gouarmi, betta, neons, pleco, a couple catfish, cockatoo cichlids). He was doing well besides the occasional flareup between the other gourami/betta but they never really fought. however, a few days ago I saw he had a little nip mark on his head. I watched him and all the fish were picking on him even the more docile "community fish". he was the smallest and weakest fish in the tank. So i took him out and put him in a 10G (with a few neons temporarily). I feel really bad though because the tank is so much smaller than what he was used to (and not as nicely planted) and he looks kind of lonely (if a fish can be lonely). I tried to get a female sunset gourami yesterday to keep him company but I cant find one anywhere. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can make this new tank more of a home for him? Is there a patciular species of fish that they really like? My boyfriend thinks I am being absolutely ridiculous worrying about the "feelings" of a fish that is probably quite indifferent but I can't help it! lol.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Eh...as long as he's being fed and the water conditions are good he's probably just as happy where he can't be beat up. I think fish can be lonely...but I think its way better to have him 'lonely' than 'dead'...which can happen with the mix you had him in. Generally we dont suggest anyone put a gourami with a betta, or even a gourami with a single gourami because they tend to fight. They're kind of particular like bettas are...some are totally low key and others aren't.

I'd probably leave him with the neons :) If the neons are going into the other tank I'd probably get him an apple snail and some pygmy cories to hang out with or somethin...but you can't fit too much in a 10 unfortunately.


Superstar Fish
Jan 4, 2006
Kalifornia, Silicon Valley
nothing wrong with having a bachlor fish in a tank he will do just fine

Ihad to separate my bettas I did have divider in the tank but one flew over and well we all know happends when to males are together....but any ways both are happy and fine, your Gromi will beok