what to use in a new 75 gallon?


Large Fish
Jul 16, 2003
Aurora, IL
I've got a 75 gallon tank arriving this week and I'm looking for some input as to what type of filtration system you guys would suggest.

I was thinking of using 2 Penguin 330's and 1 or 2 Penguin Powerhead 1140's.

I've never been particularly fond of UGF's and all the Pengiun equipment I have has done really well.

I've never used a Canister filter before either, though I've been told by a number of people that many of them have a tendancy to leak.

any input would be appreciated!:D


Large Fish
Jul 16, 2003
Aurora, IL
not that anyone seems to have replied with any advice (except 420loach of course =D).....
but I decided to go with 2 Penguin 330 filters and 1 Penguin Powerhead for the 75 gallon tank. I spoke with my main supply guy and few people at LFS's whose opinion I trust/respect and the pretty much agreed that I would be better off using 2 medium sized filters over 1 large.

mostly for redundancy issues, but also I will get a much better filtration rate out of the 2 mediums.

not to mention that most of the larger HOB filters have alot of moving parts for potential failures......

Oct 22, 2002
Bend, OR
well if it's not too late, I'd really recommend Eheim's canister filters. I've had mine for a couple months now and I have been really satisfied.

The way they're set up I don't see how they could leak, unless they got set up wrong. The hose fittings going in and coming out of the canister have these neat little screw on dealies that sinch around the hose really really tight.

The cool thing about them is that there's no water that goes unfiltered, every drop of water that goes in doesnt get back out until it's gone through the filter media.

It also allows for things like adding peat or crushed coral to the media basket for buffering one way or the other.

Also, DON'T buy big filters from your LFS. I found my Eheim 2213 online for $68, where my LFS was charging arounf $150.


Large Fish
May 18, 2003
sunny california
Visit site
mike the zealot: could you tell me where you bought your eheim filter online?

i originally bought a tetra filter for my 46 gal that comes with a slot for a heater. after reading more about cannister and power filtration it seems as though a cannister would be better.

btw. it is for a 46 gal planted gourami tank i am setting up soon. (hopefully)