Thanks, I guess she is a Marbled. Kenny, I love all of your Bettas!! They're beautiful and that male is amazing. I wanted to get a male Cambodian from Walmart cuz he has deep blue eyes. So beautiful!!! My Betta does change color a lot, though. Her fins turned all red and all blue once, and her body started to turn blue. Every now and again, I'll see random red and blue scales that pop up and go away within a few days. I just love her so much!! I never expected a color changing Betta!! Also, my Betta survived Bloat. I got her because, not only was she beautiful, but I wanted to treat her bloat. The man tried to talk me out of getting her, but the last time I went to the pet store, I told him that she survived. He couldn't believe it!! Now she's the friendliest fish in my tank. She swims up to me when I enter the room and likes to rub on my finger when I stick it in the water. She just craves for attention. lol.