What type of cichlid can go with......?

Ok, I have a Red Devil and a Jack Dempsey they've been tank mates for about 2 months now, maybe less. Anyhow, my question is what other sorts of tank mate can they have I just want one more fish, if possible if it's not then that's ok. My next question is, is there any type of cichlid or "aggressive" type of fish that can live in a 10 gallon by itself or perhaps in a pair? Thanks in advance!


Sep 23, 2003
TN, India.
As of now it wd do good. But remember a full grown adult devil is a 15" brute, JD's a 9" animal but a Firemouth wont grow as big. It almost stops in around 6" or less. So I wont add em whtevr the tank size.
U can't dump a single Firemouth in a 10 gal long tank on the long run. If so it would be stunted to around 4" & hv a shorter life span.
For 10 gal i'd suggest any dwarfs tht grow to 4" or less in adulthood.

Mar 17, 2004
Visit site
Right now, i wouldn't add anything else.

But if/when you get a 125 or larger then you could maybe add an Oscar, or a Texas cichlid, or a Convict cichlid, or a Green Terror

The thing with cichlids is that they each have their own distinct personality, so a bit of trial and error may have to be done, which could result in a good or bad experience i.e. JD and/or RD leave eachother and other fish alone OR you'll have a battle, so with cichlids it's a crapshoot:(