What will live (relativly) peacefully with a Powder Blue, in a 20g tank?


Medium Fish
Feb 4, 2004
Lancaster, Pa
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Im upgrading to a 20g, I don't have the option of going bigger, and I have the new tank cycling now. I have a powder blue cichlid that will be moveing in there, but I dont want him to be all alone. Im trying to figure out what other types of fish will get along ok with him. Yellow Labs were suggested, but then I was told by another that 3 or 4 cichlids would be too much for this tank...and I know I want something to keep the algea in check. So I need help decideing.....anyone? I welcome and value all opinions. (Keeping in mind that I do want to minimize the possibility of babies...my other tank is only a 5 gallon, and I dont have room for even a few more fish, 4 or 5 is going to be my limit)


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Hampshire UK
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You could take the simple route and just get another blue. As your existing blue has very faint stripes, see if you can find another one that has no stripes - then you have a better chance of them being a pair. Don't worry about fry - they won't survive as the blues will probably eat them (happens all the time - don't worry about it too much).

In addition to two blues, you could also fit in a pair of panda corys to keep the place clean for you. They only get to 2 inches, and do better in pairs. Again - they may spawn but the blues will etc etc. (If you do go for corys - get fairly large ones - not babies - the blues might eat them if they are too small).

2 blues and a pair of corys would be your lot for that tank - but it would be a fun tank to have.


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Hampshire UK
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3's are nice - but 3 blues is a bit much for your size tank. Wild fish like a certain ph - but lfs fish are normally used to man-made water conditions. Anywhere between 7.3 and 8.0 should present no problem to tank bred cichlids or any other tank bred fish I can think of (although someone will always find something specific to contradict a generalisation - 'twas ever thus).

I accept that the book is probably right - but this is reality - and the reality is a 20 gal tank with a blue in it, looking for tankmates.

If you do end up with a male and a female they will be (slightly) less likely to harass each other - hence look for one with no striping on it. Though the book will probably say one male to at least 3 females, there's only so much you can do in your situation.


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Nottingham, UK
Powder blue cichlids are really aggressive, not as agressive as some mbuna, but they would still destroy cories, also if you did get one more and it was a female your male would pester her so much that she would eventually die, or never come out of hiding. Also powder blue cichlids are very good parents and would not eat there fry but look after them like all cichlids do. theres not to much you could put with it, you could try adding 2 female powder blues but even then this may not spread the aggression out enough....

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
I'd disagree with you purple.

I say nothing. I wouldn't even put the Blue in a 20gal. I suggest 29gal at most. So i suggest trade in or just keep it how it is.

20gal is just to small for Malawi cichlids like Mbuna. Except for Yellow labs....and then you are still pushing it.

Mar 17, 2004
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Originally posted by Cichlid-Man
I say nothing. I wouldn't even put the Blue in a 20gal. I suggest 29gal at most. So i suggest trade in or just keep it how it is.

20gal is just to small for Malawi cichlids like Mbuna. Except for Yellow labs....and then you are still pushing it.
took the words right out of my mouth!:p


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Hampshire UK
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I'm just going by what is available here - one family pet - and one 20 gal (parental max) tank.

My blues hassle the sailfins occasionaly, but it's never got critical - a 2 second scuffle and it's over. Though Corys are considerably smaller.

My two 5 inch blues are one male and one female - they chase - but not for more than 3 seconds - reversing roles as they go.

I can accept what you guys are saying - but you must have had some rotten blues <g>

Kestryl already has the blue - and loves the thing. We aint talking ideals here - just possiblities.


Medium Fish
Feb 4, 2004
Lancaster, Pa
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Thank you purple. And yeah, I cant get rid of blue...I know the one store near me doesnt take people fish, and the other has a lot of problems with fish health, I wont send him into that. I already have the 20g, I cant get anything bigger, dont have room, donot have money, and dont have "parental aproval"...mabey its been awhile since you had to put up with the "i strongly disapprove" look...or mabey even the lecture. (lecture from mom, LOOK from dad) What iv got is what im stuck with....As for blue, he's grown on me...he even eats out of my hand...I cant give him up. Im just trying to find something he wont harrass to much....doesnt HAVE to be another cichlid....just something that can stand up to blues harasment.

hehe, I just had an idea...the one fish place near here has blue crawfish type thing....saw him a few months ago..not very big...wonder what kind of living environment he needs...that would be amusing if they got along...I dont think Blue would dare bother a crawfish...well, It probably wouldnt work, but im going to go look it up anyway. Anyone know anything about blue crawfish type critters?