What will work?


Large Fish
Mar 10, 2003
Visit site
We have 2 oscars, they each had their own tank, but we put them both into a 6ft. Problem is they fight. ones 9 inches and ones 7 inches. The smaller one always ends up worse off. So they guy at the fish store said he would trade them for smaller fish. He had jack dempseys(sp?) and he reckons he's getting blue acaras today. We were thinking of getting 4 cichlids, but wondered if different types will get along.



Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Nottingham, UK
oscars and jack dempseys normally get on alright. blue acaras might not beable to hold there own, but they might. green terrors are also sometimes recomended...


Large Fish
Apr 23, 2005
Long Island, NY
Well if you are getting rid of the oscars for smaller fish, you can try some other sorts of cichlids like Jack Dempseys, which most of them should get along together over the years. Perhaps a Green Terror (most aggressive South American), which should either be by itself when it gets older, or with other more aggressive Central American Cichlids like Midas, Red Devil, Texas, etc. As for mixing Blue Acara with these fish, when young they might work, but the other cichlids will definately surpass the acaras in size and temperament.

So you definitely can try a mix, perhaps 2 Jack Dempseys, a Salvini (or a Mayan), and maybe a Convict or Severum or some sort of mix of these similarly tempered fish.

You can make your choice of Highly Aggressive (often even more aggressive to the same species, like Midas, Red Terror, Green Terror, Red Devil, Jack Dempseys, Wolf, and Managuense, which may result in a death at some point. Or some more moderately aggressive species including Severums, Salvini, Rainbow, Acaras, Texas, Convicts, or maybe a Jewel.