what would be the best size/shape nursery?

Apr 10, 2005
Vancouver Island BC Canada
Hey all...

So my tanks are as follows....

20 lightly planted,
1 pl*co
1 oranda
and 1 lion head

10 gallon lightly planted
2 adult female guppies (one preggy, one just gave birth)
4 -4.5 week old fry (looks like all females) who have been okay in with the adults for about a week now since they have really grown.

and as of an hour ago, I've now got a jug of fish water with about 15 newly hatched fry.

I *COULD* use my divider again, put it in the 10 gallon, so the fry have about 40% of the tank to use, and the 2 adults, and 4 teens have 60% or thereabouts, but no matter what I do, the babies seem to get stuck over on the adult side, and daily I'm scooping them and putting them back over to their own side... stressful for everyone!

I don't have a lot more space in my current condo, simply because I'm spoiled to be living in a great ocean view condo that has too many darn windows, and too much sunlight. But if I were to get a little (under 10 gallons) nursery to raise the fry in, what kind should I get? What size? If its not that noisy, I could likely put it in my bedroom, or even in the hall outside the main bathroom

What would you all suggest?