what would you add?

if you had a 125 gallon standard size based on Lake Tang.

What would you add to complete if anything else....

-Quad of Adult F1 Burundi Frontosas
-XLG F0 Pair lamp. calvus white

already in it..... would you put a 3rd set in?
i kinda would like trohpheus in it... but my research ont hem kind of eliminates them due to aggression and fast swimming...but great algea eaters from what i hear....and their diet also seems totally different if im not wrong.

one the other hand some Lelupis would be sweet also :X

any suggestions?
just picture it as your own setup :D


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
Yeah, the trophs wouldn't work well. They have a very different diet than the fronts so you wouldn't be able to keep them both happy. And agian, probably a little too hyper for their liking.

More burundis would be a good thing.

This is a shoot in the dark here as I'm not sure about what the fronts will go after, but I know that regular cyps are part of its food in the lake, but what about the jumbo cyps? Might be worth looking into.

Kinda pricey, but featherfins may work. As well as some of the haps or peacocks.

If it were my setup I would either do a large colony of tropheus with some gobies, or a setup that focused more on xeno's with a huge school of regular cyps.

EDIT: That's just odd, I posted after verse, yet his time on post say's PM...

yeah....im real interested in Tropheus but im more leaning towards starting a species only tank with one variant, possibly cherry spot.

I think i'll look towards 2 more burundi females to complete the tank, i have some haps in there now but they are sort of hyper also so once the calvus arrive the haps are going out most likley and calm the tank down alot.

Enantiopus- ill look into those and see about availability and how they will fit :) but most likley the female brundis will fit the best

Thanks :)