What would you get?

Oct 22, 2002
If you had a 55 gallon heavily planted well established freshwater aquarium stocked with 6 pearl gouramis, some rummy nose and some amano shrimp, what would you get to complete it? If you were looking for some odd little creature to be the last addition, someone with a little character, possibly an invertebrate of unspecified type, what might be your choice?


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
how about a camaroon shrimp,i don't know if they are avaliable to you but i have read they are ok with fish and don't bother plants.
also i got rid of the other thread,cause you said you posted it in the wrong spot and this one didn't say that=)


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
How about some freshwater clams? Someone put a thread on here about them and I'd never heard of them...they could be cool.

If you weren't stuck on the invertebrate how about a bottom feeder besides the shrimp? I guess I don't know how most of them get along with the shrimp...or if theyd just snack on them...but maybe some cories?

I must be tired...I wrote clownfish instead of shrimp. Think I was reading CFM's signature too closely.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Calgary AB
Those cameroon wood shrimp are pretty cool; same with those cherry shrimp (I believe thats what they're called).

I've also seen some "Blue Lobsters" that are supposed to be FW at the pet stores, dunno what they're like with plants though...


If you want the coolest freshwater invert available, pick up 1 or 2 singapore fan shrimp. They have tons of character. It is great to watch them roam around picking at the gravel and fanning in any available currents. They are brown to bright red depending on location, time of day, and water conditions. They have a tan stripe on their back. 1 for every 25 gallons.

A school of rainbowfish would also be in order. Forget the common ones. Do your homework and pick up some unique species, there are tons of em.

Whatever you do, pick up something original.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Corvallis, Or
Cherry shrimp would be awesome, if you find any around here, lemme know, would you backdraft? I've been looking for some, not real seriously, but haven't seen them around. For you, some cherry shrimp, if you could find them, or maybe a pair of apistos. Last time I was at Terre Quatics, he had some nice agassizii...

Oct 22, 2002
wow i might try a FW clam. that sounds leet!

have tried:
fan shrimp
cherry shrimp
rainbow shark
blue lobster (in a different tank)
(pps the blue lobster will **very aggressivly** eat your fish and plants)

i was thinking of a red claw crab, even though it will probably escape. i don't have any crab like things in there.

what's in there now:

6 lg pearl gourami
15 rummy nose
undetermined amount of amano shrimp, i think they are breeding because i counted 10 and i only stocked 7 originally :p
snails of a varying nature.

pooky, call terre quatics in osseo the guy had like 500 cherry shrimp and he was trying to breed them. i bought about 10 and they rule and were healthy.