What wrong with Sailor Moon???

jelly bean

Medium Fish
Sep 21, 2003
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*BOUNCINGS I'm going to send some pictures of my daughters sailor moon betta when she gets up.But my big question is why does it have a crooked spine.It swims crooked too.Its been like that ever since we brought him.About a year now!He's really touchy when i open the lid he starts to do the chiken like hes dieing then hes fine.he doesnt like any noise or quick movments.Was he born like this or does any one know if he'll get worse?? He's one of the prettiest Betta i have seen its like he glows neon colors i will attach pic later and some of my other betta too. :D


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Probably get some other opinions...but I'm pretty sure that it is a genetic defect. If the fish has been like that for over a year then its probably not going to get worse or better...just one of those things. It might shorten his lifespan...but as long as he's eating and the tank is well taken care of there isn't much you can do.

OH and you might want to be careful about your titles of your threads...I passed over this one because I figured someone was posting about the cartoon Sailor Moon, but came back after I saw it was in the Betta forum :)


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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My Finchy (red betta) has a slightly bent spine, which is likely what Sailor Moon has. Its a birth defect, and is fairly common. Most of the time, breeders will let the fry die before adulthood, not to be cruel.

The spastic behaviour he gives you is because he is happy to see a human who might bring him his favorite thing - FOOD! Very normal, bent spine or not. No bettas like noise or sudden movements, remember we are about 1000 times bigger then them!

Just don't try to breed him, and he should be just fine and live a long life if well taken care of.