whats been goin on in my tank

Jan 16, 2004
Syracuse, NY
Hey all, its been a while and since today is labour day, no work for me I finally got the chance to snap some pics of the tank. I think its the best its ever looked now. Pictures are worth a thousand words. They arent the greatest quality I am no photographer but they get the point across. Some came out good, others not so.

the canopy I built, with front up

best skimmer I ever bought. Period.

gigantic sebae anemone I snagged off my coworker, would like to get a pair of onyx perculas to host since I got rid of my big super agressive clarkii clown

copperband butterfly is very photogenic and personable, he got in half the shots I took of random corals

healthy, eats frozen, only concern is the spot on tail Im keeping an eye on it


Jan 16, 2004
Syracuse, NY
Yeah, that anemone is a cool showpiece. My buddy had it in a 30something gallon red sea setup it took up waaayyy too much space in there so I took it off his hands for practically nothing. Mmmmm just wait until theres a pair of onyx percs hosting in it...

Ill probably be around a bit, been kinda putting more effort into the tank. Every time I look at it I cant help but pick things out that would make it better. I really wish it had a sump, but I did what I could, the tank I had lying around at the time and the stand is really an old solid wood cabinet that isnt technically mine so modification was out of the question. I would really like to slap a t-5 actinic in the canopy, would love 2 of em but simply dont think I have the room. The actinics would definately go well with the 14000K halides. Theres 2 moonlights on one of the halides, those look really cool but getting more is kind of an unneccessary investment, maybe in the future though. Whenever I move out of the place I am now I hope to upgrade to at least a 75 gallon, bigger if I can manage, I really cant stand the 12" of width its hard to aquascape around.

Jim, its a 55 gallon, and I would have to say its been established for 2-3 years now.

Justin! Good to hear from you man, I shot ya a message bud.

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Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
id definitly agree this is the best ive seen yur tank, great job! i love the sps youve got goin on there! a few questions.... the CBB have u had any problem with it niping at lps? what is that u have rubberbanded to that rock? and does the eel ever knock any corals over or bother any smaller fish? sorry bout all the questions :p

Jan 16, 2004
Syracuse, NY
No nipping problems as of yet, been on the watch but it seems fine.

A piece of florida false coral is rubberbanded to the rock, one I fragged out of a display tank at work. I want it to spread on the back of the tank.

The eel is actually pretty careful about his movements even when feeding, hes never knocked anything over. The smallest fish I have in there is a gramma, way to big for the eel to eat, no problems with that but sometimes when hes really hungry and Im slow on feeding him he'll chase is away but never is relentless.