Whats for dinner?

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Jul 12, 2005
This might well be a question that should have been asked long ago, but what food should I be using while I cycle my tank. I have flake food and baby shrimps .


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
rose do you have like cleaners in their? I was just wondering becasue when I lost my percs I stopped feeding food into the tank and within a week or two nearly all my hermits died... I didnt know why but then found out it was from a lack of food.. Im not sure if you have any yet but just wanted to warn ya from making the mistake i did.

Do you have baby shrimp in the tank or is that a food lol?


Large Fish
Oct 5, 2004
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especially with not just one or two, but five or six. What i dont understand is that you complain about the expense of lr and then you want to put expensive fish in a tank not ready for them and they could very well end up dying. I dont want to be offensive but was just stating it.

Jan 9, 2005
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It's obviously cruel, it shows in her choice of fish. If she didn't actually think it bothered the fish then she'd have something more along the lines of an angel, or butterfly. A show piece fish that someone would really care about investing the money into, and caring for...something that belongs in an established aquarium. Not damsels. No one cares about damsels and chromis (I know, she's got a clown too)...you use damsels and chromis if you don't care if they die.

But honestly, if that's what you'd like to do...do it. Don't let us discourage you, but don't hide behind "there's no statistical evidence as to whether fish feel pain...etc". Just say it.

My money's on impatient.

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Large Fish
Jun 30, 2003
yes actually i do. they mostly DIE. AND THEY DIE FOR A REASON. how would you like it if i shoved you in a closet full of piss and crap and dead rotting animals for an entire month? that is exactly what you are doing to those fish.

my biggest pet peeve in this hobby is the people that are just in it for the looks of it all. people they "hey, if i can afford it, then what the heck!". it's not like that. you are taking a living creature OUT of the ocean (which is huge in case you haven't noticed), and putting it in a little tiny aquarium. the most you could do for them is treat them as best as you can and make them happy to live where they live. and don't give me a smart *** comment like "oh yeah, how do you know if your fish is happy?" because i do know. it does show.

Jul 12, 2005
Wh would you think I'm not carig about any of the fish Iiiiiiiuy. I couldhae use damsels to cyce the tank and then removed thm back tothe lfs, but no, i thought abo what fish i could e o cycle the tank that are hardy enouhand interesting enough to become fullltime residen. The tank is 90G for petes sake, any amonia spikes aree gonna be very diluted.

OCC - I have no cleaners

Henry - I was under the impression that 4 fish to cycle a 30G FW tank would put me inside acceptale margins for a 90G SW with what I have.

supahtim - You're right, the ocean IS big and we pull the majority of our fish out of their beautiful open ocean home, to condemn them to life in a tiny glass box for our entertainment, and you have the audasity to accuse me of being cruel and in the hobby for looks. I have no idea what your problem is, and do not offer my time for you to expalin. Sit down man.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Everyone chill out. Got it? You've heard it before "personal attacks" are not tolerated. You can let people know how and why you disagree with what they're doing...but when they ask a question about feeding I suggest you offer an answer or go start another thread or send the person a PM.

rosealeedawn - The members on this board are very passionate about their fishkeeping and sometimes that gets misdirected at new people who seem to be doing things differently than others think they should be. I apologize for seemingly rude comments, but know that under there somewhere they are trying to point out a concern for your fish.

Just getting into SW myself I just wanted to point out that cycling a SW tank is much different than a FW tank.

Jun 15, 2005
Mesa, AZ
supahtim said:
yes actually i do. they mostly DIE. AND THEY DIE FOR A REASON. how would you like it if i shoved you in a closet full of piss and crap and dead rotting animals for an entire month? that is exactly what you are doing to those fish.

my biggest pet peeve in this hobby is the people that are just in it for the looks of it all. people they "hey, if i can afford it, then what the heck!". it's not like that. you are taking a living creature OUT of the ocean (which is huge in case you haven't noticed), and putting it in a little tiny aquarium. the most you could do for them is treat them as best as you can and make them happy to live where they live. and don't give me a smart *** comment like "oh yeah, how do you know if your fish is happy?" because i do know. it does show.
My sentiments, exactly..

Rosaleedawn, how is it that you had such atrocious spelling on the first paragraph, but the fourth was flawless? Keyboard not responding correctly or something? o_O

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Medium Fish
Apr 29, 2005
This is another reason to spend the money on lr if you want to cycle a tank and not kill fish live rock is the way to do it in my opinion but i have a feeling if you are dealing with a lfs that they talked you into turbostart for your tank and if so your tank probably is already through the cycle however your in for some other problems that stuff causes. I agree though it is inhumane just to kill fish to cycle a tank even if they are damsals

Jul 12, 2005
Masta_Cheef said:
My sentiments, exactly..

Rosaleedawn, how is it that you had such atrocious spelling on the first paragraph, but the fourth was flawless? Keyboard not responding correctly or something? o_O
Actually yes, I'm using a cordless keyboard which misses more and more keystrokes as the battery wears down. As for your valuable echo of supahtim sentiments, I encourage you to take heed of froggy's comments and not waste my time with your schoolboy behaviour.

I do not see what all the fuss is about in the first place. My tank is not overstocked and none of my fish are going to die. Why on earth would I place that stress and my fish and my coffers? :rolleyes:


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Rosealeedawn I'm not sure how you can say that your fish "are not" going to die...you're putting them through a tank cycle where most fish are VERY sensitive to water conditions like those during a tank cycle period. I think what they (suphatim & mastacheef) are trying to point out is that they're confused why you seem to be putting the lives of your fish (and that pocketbook) in a precarious situation by stocking the tank so quickly. My comments directed at them were not that they should stop completely...but that they should calmly and without personal attacks point out the science and methods and theory behind what they are saying and why they are saying it.

From what I've read the "usual" way to cycle a SW tank is to stock with LR and let the tank cycle with LR. Waiting several weeks for the initial cycle to go through, making sure the nitrate level stays as close to 0 as possible. Then slowly stocking the tank, putting in cleanup crew first (snails, crabs etc) and then adding fish SLOWLY like over MONTHS of time. I know I'm used to fishless cycling my FW tanks in two weeks and then being able to stock fully immediately...so the whole switch to SW has thrown me off guard immensely (like the comments I made about the water changes and not even remembering that there was salt in the water...btw has your water cleared up at all?)

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