Whats the difference between a Pleco and a Pl*co?


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Re: Whats the difference between a Pleco and a Pl*

Superstisious computer uban ledgened folklore. Apparently if you spell out the word pleco via the computer, it means impending doom for your sucker-mouthed tank inhabitants.  So by spelling it Pl*co you are avoiding certain death.

I've no truck with it at all myself. I've used pleco many a times and thus far my two clowns are alive and kicking beautifully after two years, and amazingly the zebra I have, which is suppose to be this really sensitive character, is still breathing and eating after 6 (or is it 7? I've lost count) weeks of residing in my Eclipse Six.

So it is up to you.

Do you believe?

Re: Whats the difference between a Pleco and a Pl*

Arg!! I swear I didn't know! I'm sorry poor pl*co!!
Actually I don't have any pl*cos right now. Wait! I do have a 7 inch chocolate pl*c in a tank I'm taking care of at the local community college, but I don't own it.. I guess we will see if it croaks or not!! Heh Heh.

Oct 22, 2002
Re: Whats the difference between a Pleco and a Pl*

I wasn't a believer until our bulldog died today  >:(.  Not so sure now.  Methinks it better not to take the chance tho.

Oct 22, 2002
Silver Spring, MD
Re: Whats the difference between a Pleco and a Pl*

hehe i've got a rubber in my ten with a common one for about 4-5 months now and they both still alive... only problem is ones i get for my 30gal planted i dunno they just get sick and starve to death but i just got two  for that tank and gona try my luck hehe